Wednesday! Glorious comic book day! Check out our post to see what we’re looking forward to reading this week, and let us know what you’re picking up as well.
Our pick of the week:
Ant-Man #3
Story: Nick Spencer
Art: Ramon Rosanas
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Ant-Man faces off against his deadliest arch-enemy — the mercenary known as TASKMASTER! Can we really call him an “arch-enemy”? Well, they’ve actually fought a bunch of times (look it up). And they definitely don’t like each other — that’s what “arch” means, right?
There’s a mystery villain pulling the strings! He’s the one covered in heavy shadow. Mystery villains never have good lighting. Need to get to an Ikea or something.
- The Surface #1: More sci-fi to check out, yay!
- Ant-Man #3: I’ve been surprisingly happy with the first two issues, and I like where the story seems to be going, especially with a focus on how lame Scott can be and his love for Cassie.
- Captain Marvel #13: All Carol, all the time. Now that I know Carol Corps is gonna be a thing, it makes reading this month to month more exciting.
- Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #11: Hmm, behind an issue, can’t say much yet.
- Ms. Marvel #13: All Kamala, all the time.
- Spider-Gwen #2: New Spider-Gwen so soon? Yay! I reviewed and loved the first issue, so I’m excited for the story to continue.
- Thor #6: I’m a few issues behind, but I’m invested, and Aaron can do no wrong with anything Thor-related in my eyes.
- Ant-Man #3: I’m enjoying this one a lot more than I expected to. I know a big part of why this title was released when it was is to give people like me a chance to get familiar with Ant-Man before the film, but I’m eating it up.
- Captain Marvel #13: I’m finally completely caught up on this book and I’m so glad to be. Can’t wait for Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps, which was announced yesterday, to be released.
- Howard the Duck #1: What the duck? If someone told me a year ago that Howard the Duck would be one of my most anticipated titles of the year, I would have told them they were crazy. But I love what Zdarsky has done on Sex Criminals and I’ve been looking forward to this book since it was announced.
- Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #11: I am really going to be sad to see this book go. Apparently it won’t be the last of Bendis’s collaborations with Dave Marquez, but there’s just something special about this book and this cast and I really hope they announce what is going to become of this group of characters soon. Please don’t kill Jess and Ganke, Marvel!
- Ms. Marvel #13: I confess, I’m behind on this book, but everything about Kamala is always fantastic. It’s at the top of my list of books to get caught up on.
- Spider-Gwen #2: I loved just about everything about the first issue, and double shipping this month is both a blessing and a curse, because I’m going to feel spoiled when this goes to a regular schedule.
- Bill and Ted’s Most Triumphant Return #1: I had no idea this was happening, and it just seems like such a fun idea that I can’t help but want to check it out.
- All-New X-Men #37: Back in because this a non-Vortex issue. Cover is not Jean and Emma but word is it is a Jean and Emma issue? So that’s fun, I like that combination.
- Ant-Man #3: Digging this sort of low-key small-time struggling to make ends meet vibe. The underdog books!
- Howard the Duck #1: Howard the Duck, man. By Chip Zdarsky. I mean, what a world. This is a thing that exists. I have no idea how it’s gonna be, on any level. I am going to try it just because… how could I not.
- Miles Morales: The Ultimate Spider-Man #11: Jessica Drew is in this issue, back in the hands of Bendis/Marquez/Ponsor. Let it not be the last time. For her, and for all of the cast of this book.
- Ms. Marvel #13: A continuing delight! Young romance, apparently, which, cool, let’s, it’s a teen book.
- New Avengers #31: Ultimate JDrew in USM would’ve gotten the pick, except… this issue looks to be about the Black Swans and Rabum Alul, Mr Incursions himself. With the regularity with which these books are blowing the doors off, I can’t ignore that this is probably going to be further blowing of doors.
- Spider-Gwen #2: So soon! Good times. It’s fun! I’m not down on Secret Wars like some folks, but I do hope Spider-Gwen stays out of it and in its own bag as long as possible.
- Superior Iron Man #6: “Tony U Dick” the book. And it’s marvelous.
- Ant-Man #3: Oh, boy, this is shaping up to be a funny week for comics. Ant-Man is definitely the spiritual successor of Superior Foes of Spider-Man and Fraction and Friends’ Hawkeye, and if that doesn’t sell you on this book, I don’t know what will
- Howard the Duck #1: I’ve had a soft spot for Howard from his old appearances in She-Hulk, though I haven’t read much of his original run. If I recall correctly, it’s recently been collected in trades, so I’ll definitely be on the lookout, but I’ve been so jazzed for this book since it was announced.
- Ms. Marvel #13: Still one of the best books Marvel’s got going right now. What a treat to read each month.
- New Avengers #31: On the one hand: I am so behind. On the other hand: binge-reading a couple of issues of Hickman is like punched in the face with awesome, so I look forward to catching up.
- Superior Iron Man #6: I haven’t read the fifth issue yet, but this is still a current favourite.
- Thor #6: This is still very much the Odinson’s book, which makes the early publicity push for an obviously temporary change all the more obnoxious. But given that the creative team likely didn’t have much control over how their book was marketed, I need to let go of that particular hang-up and say that Aaron’s take on the God of Thunder is still some of the best superhero comics around.